The 5 Minute Guide To Writing Effective Personal Notes

The 5 Minute Guide To Writing Effective Personal Notes

The 5 Minute Guide to Writing Personal Notes That  Enrich Your Relationships

We live in an amazing digital society, where hand writing notes may seem as old-fashioned as churning your own butter. Can handwritten notes help you connect with those we love at a much deeper and personal level? 

The rarity and attention that a personal note gets are unlike anything else. They are a great way to connect with someone you love, admire or want to express gratitude to. 

But how do you write a good one?

Here are The Basics Of Writing Notes That Get Your Message Across

1.Know Your Purpose

Strike the right tone by clarifying what you want to accomplish.Maybe you want to express your gratitude for a colleague who has been super helpful. Perhaps you want to write a note to someone you love. The purpose of the note will determine the tone and language you use in it.


2. Act Promptly

Sometimes speed reduces the pressure to be profound. A brief thank you suffices, even when you get it out the next day. However, if you overthink it, you will wind up struggling for words. Write from your heart and do it straight away while the memories and or feelings are fresh in your mind.

3. Take a Good Look at Your Handwriting


There is a downside to living in this digital age. The more you type, the more your 'penmanship' may deteriorate. It’s usually okay to use your keyboard if your handwriting has become illegible or messy.

But leave typing as a last resort. When you can write beautifully in your own handwriting it just seems so much more personal.

4. Strive to Be Concise.

If you lack the time to compose long letters, relax. Many people prefer a paragraph or two rather than ten pages that they’ll have to find time to read. Short and sweet is the way to do it.

5. Practice on the People Close to You.

If you’ve grown rusty at anything but texting, brush up by communicating with your loved ones. Your grandmother will love anything you have to say. Kids will be thrilled to find something addressed to them in the mail.

Your spouse or partner will feel extra special when you write sweet little notes to them.

Special Occasions and Personal Touches That Will Make Your Notes Distinctive

1. Rekindle Old Connections.

Get back in touch with people you’ve lost track of.

They may miss you too.

2. Connect with New Friends.

Reach out to people you want to get to know better. Ask the person seated next to you at a dinner party for their card or contact details so you can send a note and continue the conversation.

3. Offer Praise.

Everyone appreciates positive reinforcement, so send a note of praise to someone. Send a card to the co-worker who stayed late to help you with a big project.

How about someone who was really kind and understanding when you were unwell?

It's bound to put a smile on someone's dial.

4. Follow Up

Sometimes a note is just a first step.

Pick up the phone and confirm your lunch date.

Or better still,  a nice handwritten note with a hand made gift can make all the difference.

At Seema with  Love at Westfield Chermside (and online we are located upstairs near the new food precinct. So many people come in and buy our gorgeous scented soy candles as a gift for someone they are meeting up for lunch. They make gift giving truly unique.


5. Help Kids Get Started.

Children who grow up writing notes will have an edge in their business and social life.

6. Shop for Stationery

Browse online or visit a local shop for paper that appeals to you.

Pick a fun style that expresses your personality or keep it simple and elegant. If you’re the DIY type, look for templates online. You can also recycle greeting cards by tearing off the picture and writing on the back like a postcard.

7. Take a Multimedia Approach

Traditional notes blend well with newer technology.

Throw in pictures and videos to get your point across.

8. Attach Gifts

A note is often all you need, but sometimes you feel more generous. When you add a gift inscription on the title page of a book, your friend will think of you every time they read it.

You can also complement your gifts with either handmade candles or even a gorgeous dried flower arrangement. At Seema with Love, we have beautiful, everlasting, dried native Australian floral arrangements that last for years.

9. Be Creative.

You can place a note anywhere, so think of creative places to leave messages.

Write something endearing on a bathroom mirror where your partner will see it. Post a reminder in your child’s lunch box or use sidewalk chalk on your driveway to welcome them home from camp.

Look, a well-phrased message received at the right time can help you land a job or make a loved one smile.

Notes are a quick and inexpensive way to impress people with your courtesy and thoughtfulness.

During these times, and now perhaps more than ever, we all need to connect at a deeper level.

That's why at Seema with Love we always say......

You are Loved!

Why? It's because you are and you need to know!

